
A Buffer for bit-level and byte-level manipulation.

class BitBuffer(init_bits : Nat)

public func bitSize() : Nat

Returns the number of bits in the buffer

public func bitCapacity() : Nat

Returns the max number of bits the buffer can hold without resizing

public func byteSize() : Nat

Returns the number of bytes in the buffer

public func byteCapacity() : Nat

Returns the max number of bytes the buffer can hold without resizing

public func bitcount(bit : Bool) : Nat

Returns the number of bits that match the given bit

public func addBit(bit : Bool)

Adds a single bit to the bitbuffer

public func addBits(n : Nat, bits : Nat)

Adds the given bits to the bitbuffer

public func getBit(i : Nat) : Bool

Returns the bit at the given index as a Bool

public func getBits(i : Nat, n : Nat) : Nat

Returns the bits at the given index as a Nat

public func dropBit()

Drops the first bit from the buffer.

public func dropBits(n : Nat)

Drops the first n bits from the bitbuffer. Trap if n is greater than the number of bits in the bitbuffer.

public func invert()

Flips all the bits in the buffer

public func clear()

public func bits() : Iter<Bool>

Returns an iterator over the bits in the buffer

public func bytes() : Iter<Nat8>

Returns an iterator over the bytes in the buffer

public func byteAlign()

Aligns the buffer to the next byte boundary

public func new() : BitBuffer

Initializes an empty bitbuffer

public func withByteCapacity(byte_capacity : Nat) : BitBuffer

Initializes a bitbuffer with the given byte capacity

public func init(bit_capacity : Nat, ones : Bool) : BitBuffer

Initializes a bitbuffer with bit_capacity bits and fills it with ones if true or zeros if false.

public func tabulate(bit_capacity : Nat, f : (Nat) -> Bool) : BitBuffer

Initializes a bitbuffer with bit_capacity bits and fills it with the bits returned by the function f.

public func isByteAligned(bitbuffer : BitBuffer) : Bool

Checks if the bits in the buffer are byte aligned

public func bitcountNonZero(bitbuffer : BitBuffer) : Nat

Returns the number of bits that are set to true or 1 in the buffer

public func addByte(bitbuffer : BitBuffer, byte : Nat8)

public func getByte(bitbuffer : BitBuffer, bit_index : Nat) : Nat8

public func dropByte(bitbuffer : BitBuffer)

public func fromBytes(bytes : [Nat8]) : BitBuffer

public func addBytes(bitbuffer : BitBuffer, bytes : [Nat8])

public func addBytesIter(bitbuffer : BitBuffer, bytes : Iter<Nat8>)

public func getBytes(
  bitbuffer : BitBuffer,
  bit_index : Nat,
  n : Nat
) : [Nat8]

public func dropBytes(bitbuffer : BitBuffer, n : Nat)

public func addNat8(bitbuffer : BitBuffer, nat8 : Nat8)

public func getNat8(bitbuffer : BitBuffer, bit_index : Nat) : Nat8

public func dropNat8(bitbuffer : BitBuffer)

public func addNat16(bitbuffer : BitBuffer, nat16 : Nat16)

public func getNat16(bitbuffer : BitBuffer, bit_index : Nat) : Nat16

public func dropNat16(bitbuffer : BitBuffer)

public func addNat32(bitbuffer : BitBuffer, nat32 : Nat32)

public func getNat32(bitbuffer : BitBuffer, bit_index : Nat) : Nat32

public func dropNat32(bitbuffer : BitBuffer)

public func addNat64(bitbuffer : BitBuffer, nat64 : Nat64)

public func getNat64(bitbuffer : BitBuffer, bit_index : Nat) : Nat64

public func dropNat64(bitbuffer : BitBuffer)

public func addInt8(bitbuffer : BitBuffer, int8 : Int8)

public func addInt16(bitbuffer : BitBuffer, int16 : Int16)

public func addInt32(bitbuffer : BitBuffer, int32 : Int32)

public func addInt64(bitbuffer : BitBuffer, int64 : Int64)